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Fear of sickness can comes in many different presentations and something we have over 8 years experience in support people like you from this phobia, the fear is real.

Emetophobia is a life changing phobia, it can effect what you eat, where you go, how you get there and everything in between! 

We get it, from the overwhelming thoughts to the need to keep safe, it can be so exhausting and isolating right!?. 

Let us help.

Thinking Man on Couch
Sad on Couch

Tried other worksheets, tips, support but none of them have worked? we have over 8 years experience supporting in emetophobia and know how to help you as well.  â€‹


PLEASE NOTE - No exposure therapy is done in our sessions. we focus on our advanced methods that we have perfected over the years and have a huge success rate with.



we can list all the symptoms
 - but you already know them right? you're living them!!


We can tell you what it is
- but I bet you have already researched it right?!

Now lets get to focus on helping you through this and getting your life back.

Exploring Nature
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